Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Plenty of Biscuts

Today was the first day of work for Caitlin, we were trying to lay low yesterday... sleep early so that we can get back into the time zone of things. Last night it was a little harder for Caitlin to get in the whole mode of Kolkata, after the internet blogging. I think she truly missed Ricky and the fam. The day was also extremely overwhelming. Because we didn't do anything really yesterday... it just seems crazy. Because you're not on a schedule and everything is busy and moving and you just feel lost. I forgot about how it really was in the beginning for me here in Kolkata and I know I had a much easier transition than most people I've talked to, but the smell, the sight, begger, sales perosn and especially the crazy drivers can be extremely overwhelming. And the walk home from Orientation at Mother House last night was during busy hour here on the streets of Kolkata and I think it took Caitlin by surprise. We went back to the hotel room to recollect and I told her... as I'll tell everyone that may plan on going to Kolkata. It's insane here on the streets of Kolkata. Everything is just BUSY! And you can't just relax and walk in a straight line. You're constantly dodging cars, motercyclist, rickshaws, and people. And honestly... it gets exhausting. But if you're going to Kolkata to work with the Missionaries of Charity. Don't wait... till things get better to start working because the work you do will make your trip better. It gives you an instant schedule and makes things less chaotic. You wake up at 5... mass is at 6, you have breakfast, and go to your first session sight till noon, by noon you're exhausted but in a good way, so you can just head back to Sudder and grab a bite to eat and relax! Take time to journal, to email, nap, read, anything to recollect yourself, and than importantly try to make it back to the Mother House at 6 to offer everything back in purpose of your trip in Adoration. Dinner, and than blog or SLEEP!!!! That's pretty much your day if you don't do afternoon shift. And it's less crazy than just hanging out in Kolkata and "taking a day off".
So today was Caitlin's first full day and she truly jumped in the door with both feet on the ground and hit it squared on the bullet. I was blown away and really proud of her. We made it mass, breakfast, and than did the bus and rickshaw to Daya Dan. I had her come upstairs and help at Daya Dan with me so I can show her around. We started preparing the children for bathing and cleaning the cribs. I'm not sure how Caitlin felt about it all but it seemed as if she went straight into the work without any real hesitation. Little Piya was smiling contagiously today and diffinately loved Caitlin. We went into the physical therapy room and worked with some of the kids, it was actually really exciting for me to have her there with me because I know she's been reading my blog in the States before she left and read about Bashker and Angeli and a couple of the other cute kids I've worked with and than finally meeting them herself here in Kolkata was a great experience for her. I showed her how to do leg exercises for Angeli as I was doing the same on Lazy little Bashker. I swear, this kid is going to be the world's best actor. It cries as soon as you put on his leg brace for physical therapy because he's such a lazy ass and absolutely hates physical therapy. But i love him to death and buy in to his act everytime he cries because all I wan to do is snuggle with him and have him lay in my arms, but the sisters are always like... he's lazy and he'll cry... don't buy in! And although I usually don't I bought in after 10 minutes toady. Angeli on the other hand was amazing with Caitlin, she always is... she makes no fit, but rarely smiles... I think I caught a glimpse of one today. It was more of a smirk but it made me happy. Anyways, I love holding little 3 years old Bashker and so I let Caitlin share the joy of loving and let her hold Bashker as I worked with Angeli, Adreanna, Gabriel, and Ankush. At 10 am, there's music class for the students downstair so I told Caitlin to come join and check it out. It's always so lively and fun because the kids sing whatever they want and they lead it, but at the same time it's sooo stressful to keep them seated and not climbing on the windows or tables... or smacking each other around. It was great either way, Caitlin was introduced to the class as New Auntie Caitlin, and we made her lead a song for the class. It was great... shy Caitlin singing! She lead us in the itsy bitsy spider. When we went back upstairs it was later than usual and missed tea time/break.. but i told her to take one anyways, it's important. I took my break in a meeting with the teachers that taught in the classroom at Daya Dan because they wanted me to start teaching at Daya Dan this Friday with some students. So I had a quick run through at where the students were at in reading, mathematics, colors, months, dates, weekdays, numbers, and all that jazz. It was really exciting and I think I'm going to love teaching! It's a privilege to me for being asked to do so because there's only 5 teachers (tutors). They usually want long term teachers so that the teaching style doesn't always change and there won't be a new teacher every week or so. So I guess that's why they asked me since I'm here a little longer than some of the volunteers. Although there are some volunteers that has been here from 6 months- a year+. Which is impressive!
Well, we left Daya Dan a little before 12 and caught the Metro back to sudder. Caitlin experienced the stare in the metro... probably the first real time. But every foreigners do, especially in the metro... what other entertainment is there while waiting for your destination. haha, just kidding. Anyways it was good because I warned her before we stepped into the metro to expect it. I ended up talking to one of the guys... he was asking about my bracesses. It's truly unheard of here in Kolkata. They think it's a new invention and something high tech for teeth. I freak'n hate bracesses but... whatever. If it makes me cool here... anything helps! They already always think I'm Japanese. I get a kick out of it.... ummm, sometimes; than i just get sick of hearing "hey Japan!" ... "I"M NOT JAPANESES!"... You've seen one you've seen them all, huh? just kidding. Anyways back to the day, we went to Blue Sky today and I finished more than half my meal. I was worried about Caitlin yesterday because she didn't have much of an appetite either but she's fine today. I just notice on small things like that; whether someone finishes their meal, how much water they're drinking (which she isn't... cough cough), and if someone makes them uncomfortable ....it's the brotherly instinct in me. What do you expect when you have someone like me that comes from a family of 4 sisters and a younger brother. I for surely enjoy walking the streets and realize that I don't feel comfortable when this guy comes walking straight towards us and I could tell Caitlin feels the same... so we got this system thing down whether she knows it or not... she kind of trails behind me and walk in a line and than I get big and give a little nudge to guy shoulder if he comes too close... it happened about twice today.
When we got done with lunch we just went back to the room and relaxed, got tried to nap for 30 minutes but didn't really and Caitlin wrote in her journal for about an hour or so. Pretty good time spent debriefing. Anyways, 4 was catechism study with Sr Korina so we left to the Mother house half till. When we got there we had something else in stored for us! Sister said we're going to make our study active today! The charity we'll learn about is the work we do! Because of the monsoon many family have been left without food to eat. about 300 family ~ 1000 people. And in the room there were BAGS and BAGS of rice, some type of beans, and biscuts. It was our task to get everything split into bags of 300 for the families. There was about .... 8 volunteers, the ones that usually came to catechism study... and some that didn't today so it left us short on laborers. Which was funnily ironic because the gospel reading today was saying there's much harvest that needed to be done but very few laborers...so ask the master of harvest to send out laborers for the harvest. And surely enough we were short on labor and plenty of laboring that needed to be done! Caitlin and I were in charge of the biscuts and it took us about 3 hours to finish splitting everything up. It was really cool knowing the fruits of our work will be of such great help to those that are without food. And I think Caitlin and I were both pretty excited that we were helping out with the MC sisters and they were there ... here and there, but we the novists came down and helped us and so we got to work alongside the novists. And in the middle of our work and certain times all the novist would just stop what they're doing and start praying! it was AWESOME! We finally finished everything a little before 7 or so , so we were able to catch a couple minutes of adoration. By the end of that... we were just pooped out and tired, but had to walk the busy street back to Sudder and for surely it was another insane day. I swear, i really have to go to reconcilation every time i walk the street of Kolkata. Just the inital thoughts that run through my head or the words that come out of my mouth towards the stupid cars! ahhhhh! Anyways... it's something i'm working on. I really should try praying while walking, i did it once and it worked wonders. Well we got back and didn't want to go anywhere far for dinner so just went right next door to our hotel ... JoJo's. We had a freak'n AMAZING sizzler combo plate with rice! It was the best thing i've had since i've been here in Kolkata! I was blown away. Anyways, if you go to Kolkata and you're on Sudder... go to Jojo's get a sizzler combo plate and you'll be so delighted. I finished my meal, which i was pretty excited about and than we got some ICE CREAM! First time that I had ice cream since I've been here and it was one of the greatest things I've experienced here (i'm exagerating a little) but it really was amazing! It hit the spot! Well.... anyways, that pretty much does it for me. That was the day and now i've just spent 2 hours at the internet cafe while caitlin was making a call and so we're headed back to end the day early to be able to get up tomorrow to do a days worth or work... or a months work or work in my case because when I'm in states I do squat dittledi, that's something I'll work on... when I get back. ... maybe. Don't hold me to it. hahaha. just kidding. Take care God bless! Pray for us!!!! we need it! Pray for transition for caitlin and pray for... our health in general.



Anonymous said...

Hola dear Tuan!
its been awhile since i've left you a comment. I've been really busy but managed to take my whole time today to read ALL your blogs that you have written. I am relived to see your doing great in India and living it up like you should be, since life is so beautiful in so many ways. Keep doing your thang! I've been missing church for a couple weeks now since i've been working so much at the cinema. I've realized how much its been taking up my time, and leading me to break down at times because for some reason its been causing me to be stressed out, or either i've been missing out on a lot of things, such as july 4th with the family. Also i don't think i can do the mission thing in lakewood anymore because to ask for a week off, i must quit, and the only reason i'm having this job was because i can be independent and not to rely parents on money. Soon i will be getting my license in august so im pretty stoaked about that. Something that i've been wondering is, i remember someone said in our family that missing chruch is a sin. I don't know if you can reply to me or not, but is that true? If so then i'm going to feel really bad. my prayers are set out to you, so please be careful and hopefully your stomache has been feeling better. Keep it Strong! Love ya

Anonymous said...


Thanks for keeping Caitlin safe and for filling us in on what you two have been up to. Sounds like you both had a very busy day on Caitlin's 1st day at work in Kolkata. Keep up the good work and we'll be continuing our prayers for both of you and for your health too!
Give Cait a big hug for me, please.


Tuan Nguyen said...

Hey tiff.... there's days of obligations and sunday's obligations that you really need to try to make it to mass. "keep the sabath days". But if you didn't know, don't worry about it but diffinately try to make it to sunday mass if you can. It's spiritual nurishment. We need food to live and we need spiritual nurishment to grow in our faith. I love you cuz.

Tuan Nguyen said...

dawn stone,
I'll be sure to do so. Be sure to ask caitlin about her day today (wednesday!) because.... it seriuosly was AMAZING!