Thursday, July 12, 2007

Chillin out chillin out

It's a thursday, which means volunteers day off. So do you know what that meant for Caitlin and I.... we didn't have to wake up early this morning (although it's sad because we miss mass at 6) but it was soooooo glorious to sleep in! We slept intill about 9:20 am, and it felt AMAZING compared to getting up at 5am. It just felt so great waking up without an alarm clock. I got up and showered and i think i woke caitlin up by my horrific singing in the shower. Anyways while brushing I looked over at caitlin and said, "you know what I'm in the mood for?" ....What ? " An Egg Cheese Grilled Sandwich with Mango juice!" ..... are you kidding me? That was exactly what I was just thinking about!!!! "Fresh and Juicy?!" .... oh yes! Hahah, anyways we went out to grab breakfast at fresh and juicy and got Mango lassi instead and OOHHHH BUDDY was that yummy! Everyone have got to try Mango Lassi at least once in their life. Just image how delicious the mangos are here already... now put a little yougurt into that and make it into a smoothie.... "i'm in heaven....I'm in heaven"Seriously it was great! Our day is pretty slow going today. I made sure I called home and Sara today. Sadly my phone call was cut short because there was a huge line of anxious spanish gals that was waiting on the phone while I was talking to Sara. Anyways, I'm not really sure what we're going to do today. Probably some laundry, and I usually try to write on thursdays, read, and I think Caitlin wanted to go out and just relax at the movie theater so we're going to go catch Die Hard (again, for me) tonight, although tomorrow Harry Potter comes out and I know since I last saw Die Hard I planned to go see Harry Potter with the Irish when it comes out, so Caitlin and I may catch another movie tomorrow also. It's so great... to go to the movies here though! It's so relaxing, cool and breezy, and it's funny to watch the people cheer during scenes. Plus you can buy amazing coffee from Brista next door and bring it in, or chips and snacks for cents and pennies. Compared to the US cinemas that costs .... what, $9 something now? Well well, sorry there's nothing too exciting going on today for me to blog about! But please email the excitment in your days. I'm sure you guys have some fun summer stories. I just feel so disconnected.... have sympathy on this poor lonely soul. hahahaha. I'm just kidding but I do miss everyone! And wish you were with me!


Ryan M.D. said...


Amazing about you and your best friend. I'm happy to hear you two are doing well. I have not seen her roaming these parts since her B-day and I say these parts being NCCM.

I hope you are doing well I'm trying to send some stuff over your way through Briana.
Happy Thursday!

Tuan Nguyen said...

Thanks for whatever your sending over with Brianna. Yeah, Sara help runs Agape so she's pretty much busy all day from 7 in the morning till 10 or so at night sunday through friday. I'm sure she appreciate the thought and realization that you haven't seen her around lately. Send her my blessing. And thanks for all you do. Take care man.