Thursday, July 12, 2007

A special someone

God places into each and everyone's life many joys and wonders.
He gives you peace and comfort; the reasurrance that everything will be alright.
He blesses your life with love; Love that never ceases giving and takes delight in loving.
He becomes hidden as a treasure in those he truly loves
And reveals himself to you through them.

God truly provides his love in friendships,
His love through caring,
Forgiving, listening,
And rejoices with joy when He finds you happy in Him,with Him , and through Him.

My Lord, the great Giver of Life; has blest me ever so.
He's filled my life with many moments of joy
The comforting peace He's given me through the comfort of a friend,
reassuring me that everything will rest in the comfort of Our Lord, if we offer it up to Him.
That God will provide.
He's blessed my life numberously with overflowing selfless love;
A love that never cease giving and constantly loves loving everyone she's around.
I've found Christ through one of the greatest treasure; the gift of friendship.
Through the bond of friendship
I've learned to love Him more, be with Him, and live through and for Him
I've learned to how to care for others, and feel cared about.
I've learned to forgive and ask for forgiveness
I've learned to listen rather than to speak for he's given me an example of a great listener.
So, i come in thanks to the Great Giver.
For giving such joy, such love and such graces to me
Blessing me constantly with His Love;

That i find through my friendship,
in a glimps of a smile, in tears, laughters, and through the beautiful eyes
that reveals and capitvates the beauty of the world.
Thank you Lord, for my best friend.

Yuca- Sunshine,
I know you read my blogs every morning and some days you should feel more special than others. In your case you should always feel special. Thank you for your love and support. Happy 7 months! May you rest in the arms of comfort of our Blessed Mother and may she lead you to her Son, so we may become united while we're apart through prayers and service of Love to others. I'm proud of all you do. God bless and thank you for blessing my life. ( i know how much you dislke being put on the spot but I thought I'd let everyone know how amazing you are.) And you only dislike it because of your humility... so be thankful! you're truly blessed and loved. Ohhhh yuca.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tuan,
I am really honored by all of your kind words, I don't deserve them. Thank you for your beautiful expressions and for making my life so wonderful. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you, to share so many things with and who challenges me, accepts me, and brings me joy in all things. That was a really beautiful poem, and you know that I feel the same for you. Thank you! I miss you!