Friday, July 13, 2007


I had a late night last night and both caitlin and I were dead this morning and didn't want to roll out of bed after being able to sleep in yesterday morning. It took us till 7:05 till we got up and we caught the metro over to Daya Dan with breakfast to go. They made our sandwich wrong today... chicken chesse grilled sandwich with tamatoes... I'm not a big fan of tamatoes. Anyways, when I got to Daya Dan I was working in the class room. Today I taught Mongol. He's such a great kid, he's 12 and we were reading Black Beauty today. We finished the last two pages and I found some words he had difficulties with and didn't really understand. So I created a box with the new words and went over them acouple of times and their meanings. Than I made sentences for him with blanks spot that those words are suppose to go into and he had to pick and choose which words fit where in the sentences. He did extremely well on that. So I Had him do a mulitple choice question... I created sentences using the words incorrectly and one using it correctly and he had to find which one was correct. He didn't have a hard time with that and did far better than I expected. So I asked him create his own sentences using the words in the word box. Mongol was stumped, it took him a while and he didn't want to do it. He kept saying.... "you do it, let's do more multiple choice" ... this and that. Anyways, I told him that i'll give him extra points if he creates his own sentences. I didn't even know I was keeping points but for some reason the word extra point motivated him. And so when he created his own sentences I drew two stars on his paper by the answer rather than one. Sr. Druscilla and Sr. Karina came today to visit Daya Dan and the children were really happy. I got to show Sr. Karina what Mongol learned today and she was quite happy. We than did multiplication and went through our 6s. After class I went downstairs and help lead music time for the children, it was such a great music class today. I think everyone was showing off because Sr. Druscilla and Sr. Karina was here, but either way the children were enjoying themselves. At noon I had my Austria friend, Mickael and a couple of the french gals walk Caitlin back to Hotel Maria because i had to stay behind for class till 3. An extra 3 hours. Sr. Karina dropped off some I Spy books for Mongol and we spent about an hour playing I spy. he loved it! I enjoyed it myself. We than did some puzzel of geography and played some math games on the computer. It was an amaznig day and extremely fun. Today was a great learning experience for myself.
Well, I hate to cut this blog short but I'm suppose to meet Caitlin back at the hotel room in half an hour and it's about 7 which means... it's been half an hour. We're going out to catch Harry Potter but yesterday we saw a dominos pizza place near by and want to grab dinner their before the movie... it's 110 Rps for 2 pizza there!!!! That's amazing! Anyways... I got to get going! Take care and God bless.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud!

Tuan Nguyen said...

Sara, I figured if any one would appreciate the whole teaching thing... it'd be you! haha! Isn't it exciting? I can't believe I'm helping out in the class room! yay!