Monday, July 9, 2007

Caitlin is HERE

So it's been pretty amazing here in Kolkata, India... but just got better; Caitlin's here! Last night I switched over to Hotel Maria and was trying to get some sleep before I had to head out to the airport to pick up Caitlin. But I couldn't fall asleep ... so many things were running through my head, and I'm not sure why. I think it also was because i was in a new room, and it's kind of quiet (to what I'm use to). Anyways... while laying in bed waiting till 11:20 pm to come around for me to head out to the airport I heard loud drums banging. I was thinking to myself, "dang, I moved out of Paragon a day too soon." I rushed out of bed to see what the excitment was but to my suprise it wasn't coming from hotel paragon. The drumming was on the Streets of Kolkata. It was some festival for a God and there were about 4 drummers with drums the size of garbage cans and a drummer with a small drum a size of a pan... It was amazing! So awesome to listen to! I ran out in my pjs, shirtless to catch the excitment... ran back in, grabbed a shirt and my video camera... and continued on. So when i get back into town, I'll be sure to show you all it. But the drummer would light the tip of his drumsticks and play for a while until the fire was distinguish and did it again and again. It was pretty cool.

Anyways... I got a taxi driver to take me to the airport and back for 200rps there and 200 rps back; a total of 400 rps.... best price yet. He waited at the airport for an hour and half with me. We got there a little before midnight and Caitlin's flight came in a little after 1:15 am. So... to wait inside the airport, there's a 60 rps charge. I wasn't going to go in but I remembered that I told Caitlin, if she doesn't see me in the airport... do not leave the airport checkout point otherwise there'd be a thousand taxi drivers trying to take her stuff and get her into their taxi. So I paid the 60 rps, which really isn't anything... but it's as much as a meal here. I paid it after hanging out talking to the Airport manager for about half an hour. He told me... next time you come in, you won't have to pay the 60 rps because now you're on camera... next time you're my friend. I honestly, really doubt he'll remember me in a week when I come pick up Briana, but 60 rps... whatever. There was air conditioning inside so it was nice. I sat and read The World's First Love... and I'm telling you, the more and more I read that; I'm just in awe of that book! It's a book you must read... Fulton Sheen; the World's First Love!
Well, 1:15am struck and the doors opened... it wasn't like a mad rush through the doors, i'm sure many people were picking bagage claim and this and that so it was a slow anticipation to see Caitlin walk through those doors. But at the sight of the blue shirt, khaki pants (like how Dawn Stone described), her blonde hair and blue eyes... i was just stoaked to max to finally share this all with someone from home. For everyone that doesn't know Caitlin... she's a buddy of mine from Otown, I've known her since I was a freshman... and I think possibly that i first met her at a Perpetual Motion dance back in the good old days of middle school. So it was so great to have a friend in Kolkata and finally see her in the airport. We both had the biggest smile and I couldn't wait to begin to talk and fill her in on everything here! What to do, what not to do, what to expect, how to make look around and take things in but not really make eye contact... all that jazz. On the ride home I pointed out the numberous people that were sleeping along the sidewalk, the cows, goats, and random animals on the street and all the fun stuff that I wanted her to see of Kolkata before day time. We got to our Hotel and had to wake up the security guard/hotel check-in man. The majority of the people here in Kolkata (on the lower end of the scale) sleep at/with there occupation;' so let's say, you were a taxi driver. You'd more than likely be sleeping in or on your taxi. The internet cafe person sleeps on the floor of his internet cafe. Just as the hotel manger sleeps on the floor of his hotel right by the door to check in new people ... like caitlin. Well we got in and unpacked and talked for a bit, lights finally went out at 3am and we got up this morning at ... 8:30am. Today, we took the day off (which i feel bad because that's been the story of the week.... Tuan's not here!) but since it was Caitlin's first day in... i didn't want to rush into anything busy and I wanted to just talk and show her the town. I showed her to the cheapest place intown that give mes a 3 rps per min rate for any phonecalls while he charges 4 at his store and others charges 5-8 rps. Nor Alam is his name... find him if you're in Kolkata and tell him, Tuan sent you and he'll knock down your price, haha. Anyways, Caitlin was able to make calls home to the Fam and her boyfriend Ricky. Which I'm sure they appreciated it as much as she did. We went over to Fresh and Juicy for breakfast (it was also my frist meal when I was in Kolkata the first time so i figured maybe I'll take her there). But hey guess what everyone, I was able to finish a whole egg, cheese grilled sandwich... with Mango juice! I couldn't believe I didn't loose my appeitate or anything. For those that haven't read my previous blog, my stomach haven't been happy with me and it's suprising if i'm hungry any time of the day this week... usually I'm forcing myself to eat just because I know I have to, but this morning was getting better. Although I haven't had anything since...but I'm getting hungry!! The meds are working! After breakfast I decided let's throw her into the heat of things... so, we went to New Market. Where all the beggers and salesman are trying to get tourist's attention. I told caitlin, if you're not interested don't turn your head sideways to look at them, it's a big give away for them that they got your attention and the sales man would follow you down the block trying to sell things if you give them the attention. And I could see as soon as we entered New Market she was trying hard to keep her eyes up but looking straight and afar. It was halrious. It was great, it made me laugh but than we decided to be on a mission while we were there to find a hankercheif and some light clothings for Caitlin. I first told caitlin the rule of thumbs for bargining... you kind of have to know an approximate range of what things are worth here in Kolkata... including how much 1 rps can go for here. Most tricky sales person would try to either double the price, or more likely if you're white-skinned tripple the price. There was a hankerchief that I bargined down to 12 rps when orginally said 20rps. But when it came to clothes it became a little more tricky. This sales man was trying to sell Caitlin a light shirt for 350 rps, which was unheard of for me, Knowing the the last one I bought was under 80 rps. So I kind of had some fun with him, bargining back and forth for 80 rps for the shirt. .... The priced dropped from 350 to 225 within 5 seconds. Than when he realized that I knew that all the other stores sell it for 80 or less he begin to lower it... 210... 150.... ok ok, final last offer 125. We did the walk away, and was called back, Ok 80, no problem. hahaha SWEET! VICOTRY!!!! Anyways, like i told Caitlin seconds before running into the man, that most would try to double or tripple the price of what they would sell it for a local Indian there. it's all about the bartaring. On the way back to the Hotel I swung by Eastern Dianostics and checked my test results and I'm positive for malaria, in 3 or my 6 test. Negative in 2 and am waiting for one more test that I will find out at 6 pm. this afternoon. So this sucks.... but what also sucks is that I'm just messing with you guys and I'm actually absolutely fine. I did get 5 of the 6 results back and they're all negative. Thought I'd play with your head for a half a second to get my kicks here in Kolkata. When we got back to the hotel it was getting pretty late, we sat around and talked for a while than i showed her the local internet cafe and we came back ... talked a little more and headed to Mother house for 3 Oclock Orientation. I helped the Sisters with some paper work while Caitlin was doing orientation and talked them in trying to let her come to Daya Dan with me to volunteer. It's been so packed there with volunteers, that nobody have been able to really get into Daya Dan without someone else leaving. Surely enough, I got them to save her a spot .. and when she came up to registar they filled her in that saved spot, and although she won't be working upstairs with me, she'll be with the kids downstairs at Daya Dan. I think things are going to get busy for me upstairs anyways. I was asked to help be a teacher for one of the child in the school starting friday. So I won't be with all the paitents I've been spending so much time with but now will be focusing on 1, in perticular. Well that pretty much does it for the day. I think we're headed to Jojo's for Dinner and then swing by and pick up my last test results and call it a night early. We're both exhausted, and want to sleep early to get back in the swing of time... to wake up early for mass, breakfast, and morning shift. Anyways.... thanks for all the prayers everyone! my stomach is beginning to feel a lot better! OH, by the way a special thanks to the Connel family and Stone Family for buying me beef Jerky! You're freak'n amazing! I was in heaven today chowing down some beef jerky for snacks! Yes, believe it or not... i was snacking today. I'm tellng you I'll be back and good in 2 days having 3 meals a day and it'll be more than a tiny sandwich. But the beef jerky sure was good! Beef Jerky has got to be a taste of heaven....umm, unless if you're Hindu... yeah..... anyways, I hope all's going well and thanks for thoughts and prayers! Double up the prayers now that Cailin and I are here, we'll both need them! Thanks thanks for everyone's support and donation. I'm sure caitlin could still use some donation for her trip she's still putting in a lot of pocket money so if you'd like to donate to either Caitlin, Briana, or Corina I'm sure they would really appreciate it. Swing me an email and i'll let you know how to get in contact for donations. Alrighty God bless you all!


Anonymous said...

It was great hearing your voice last night (morning, for you) and knowing that you and Caitlin are together. Thanks for filling her in on how to get around in Kolkata and not get bothered by beggars and vendors. Your story of buying the shirt for 80, down from 350, is great! And thanks for getting Caitlin into service at Daya dan. I know that she really wants to be working with the orphans there. I'm glad to hear that your stomach is on the mend and you can eat again. Thanks for the great blogs!! Reading your blog is the first thing that I do with my first cup of coffee in the morning. It's a great way to start the day and helps me to focus on purposeful activities as I go about my daily chores. Your work is so much more purposeful though, being God's work, in serving all of those beautiful children. I loved your story of the children's Mass at Daya dan. Keep up your amazing God filled service and know that we are praying for you and Caitlin constantly.
Namaste, Dawn

Anonymous said...


You scared me so much! Kelsey and I were reading it out loud together and I was getting so worried. You punk!

But, I'm glad it was just a joke and that you're fine. I bet having Caitlin there made you feel better too!

Love, Sara

Ryan M.D. said...

So do you know what caused your stomach virus? well I'm glad you are getting your appetite back.
I definitely can't wait to see some of your video footage and pictures because your blogs make me feel like I know all about India yet in reality I know very little.
Have a wonderful rest of the week both of you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tuan

It's so great to follow your aventures...It's like I am still there!
Give a very big hug to every child of Daya Dan from me. I miss them like evry thing in Kolkata. It's hard to be back after a great time I spend there but also fine to see my family and friends.
I hope you will fully enjoy your trip and profit a maximun of every good things.

All the best, Rosa

Tuan Nguyen said...

it was great talking to you also! yeah bargining is fun here! I love it. I did a little more barginning for caitlin today and got some more pants and shirts. I also picked myself up two pair of pants. Caitlin got... 2 pair of pants and 2 pairs of shirt for about.... $2.20 total. It's pretty great here! Anyways, i'm trying my best to keep her on her toes. We just need prayers like always! Thanks for doing so!

Tuan Nguyen said...

yeah... so I thought of you when I was messing around with the whole malaria thing. I figured I can't jump out from a dark corner and scare you anymore so I might as well try over the internet! I miss you though and I hope all's going well! Yuca.

Tuan Nguyen said...

AHHHHH! Come back to me! We miss you here In KOlkata! Nothing is the same! We need you at Daya Dan! There's sooooooo many new people! Anyways, I'm really glad that you're home with the fam and all, but honestly we do miss you here. Thank you for all the help you did for me, showing me around and explaining to me all the stuff. You seriously saved my ass numberous times. Thanks thanks! Keep in touch so i can remember to send you a DVD if i compile one and some pictures when I'm finally finished with my summer here. Take care gal! best to you.

Tuan Nguyen said...

Ryan man, I don't know what was up with my stomach, it probably was some parasite or pesticide or whatever you call it in my food. But it's much better now. It's my second day on the meds, two-3 more days to go with the meds and already I'm feeling good! Thanks for the prayers.

Anonymous said...

anh tuan! your so mean to trick me like that i seriously thought you had malaria! ahh, so honestly i didnt kno wat it was so i had to look it up lol

1. Pathology. any of a group of diseases, usually intermittent or remittent, characterized by attacks of chills, fever, and sweating: formerly supposed to be due to swamp exhalations but now known to be caused by a parasitic protozoan, which is transferred to the human bloodstream by a mosquito of the genus Anopheles and which occupies and destroys red blood cells.
2. Archaic. unwholesome or poisonous air.

haha well i still love you anh tuan reading your blogs and praying for you and caitlin:]