Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Music to sooth the soul.

Last night after adoration I came back to the hotel and went straight to bed... I didn't have the opportunity to do my rosary at adoration yesterday because there was some type of prayer service at adoration but it was amazing... all the sisters and novist were there! It was beautiful! Anyways, i tried praying the rosary laying in bed (bad idea)... I fell asleep during my fourth mystery and remember waking up numerous times during the night to finish my 5th mystery actually I woke up twice this morning (sometime before 5 am) also attempting to finish my rosary… I finally finished sometime this morning. So the lesson of the day is; pray before I get tired. This morning surly was a pain in the ass to get out of bed. I was so tired for some reason. And I went to bed at 8pm, I tried to get up at 5:15 more mass at 6… but an hour later I finally got up and showered. Today I met two new volunteers that I helped show around to get to Daya Dan and help explain what was going on, because I knew it was so confusing for me the first day. Craig was a high school teacher in the States (teachs physics) and Erica. At Daya Dan today… I did the usual. Clean the crib, bathe, clothed and than physical therapy. Today, I worked with Angeli again… convinced that she’ll be standing on her own within 3 months or so. But today she put up a greater fight. As soon as I took her off her stroller she began to cry. She wouldn’t stop for a good half an hour. Everything I did would make her cry. But it wasn’t even crying; no tears, no real facial expression… she was just putting on her lazy act and sad to say, it was working. I was getting use to seeing her smile and laugh at me. I was also getting use to thinking that I was good at helping the kids but God surely humbled me today. She finally stop crying and I was able to help her stand but she would just collaspe over to one side and all limbs would become like jello. I couldn’t do anything to make her stand and she was extremely good at getting her way today. But… whatever, today was just not a leg exercise day for her. So I helped with trying to keep her attention. Snapping my fingers from side to side and trying to keep her looking. Sister Capita was in the room with me today and asked about my vocation… as many sisters here do. “Are you going to become MC Father or what?” haha. “… if God calls.” We sat talking about life, my relationship, God, religious/holy orders, and about MC Father/Brothers. She said she could arrange a night of Come and See with the MC Father where I can stay with them for a night. Staying with the MC Father… haha, sweet. I don’t know if it’ll follow through but whatever.
Today they asked me to come downstair and help out with music. Of course… someone found out I played the guitar and ratted me in. I help set up the mic since the Father that usually helped with music wasn’t here today. I taught the children “Yes Lord”… it was easy enough; the whole chorus consist of only two words. I also sang “this Little Light of Mine” and “The Hokipokie”. It was like the kids show and tell. Any of them can come up and lead and it was so beautiful to see them. I didn’t want to lead anything at all because watching these kids brighten up as soon as they got on the mic made me smile. The kids would sing a lot of kids songs but those that had mental challenge also came up and sang the tune of the songs they knew to the word “da”… and it was such a beautiful sight to see because they would get so happy to lead a group. Well the day ended at Daya Dan after another hard fedding session, I was feeding Sonu again and he was sick today, but somehow, once again I managed to be the last one to leave Daya Dan and had to get back to Sudder myself.

After yesteday's expereince I learned alot about Kolkata. From Mother House to Daya.. I must say to the Bus "Ma-nic-cula" then take a Rickshaw to Daya Dan, from Daya Dan to Mother House I say to the Rickshaw "Man-i-ca-la" than hop on Bus 202 towards Mother House, from Daya Dan to Sudder I must take a Rickshaw to "Girish Park" and get on the Metro to Park Street. If you can't tell, I'm pretty proud of figuring this all out now. Well, the first Rickshaw that came for me to head home told me 15 rupees to get to Girish Park/Metro… and I knew that was crap. So I waved him on and he was arguing something of gibberish. The next rickshaw came and told me 4 ruppees… and that’s what I always remembered paying so I hop on hoping I was headed towards the right direction this time. Yesterady when I said Girish park… I got off at the right spot but I was suppose to take a right on the street to get to the metro but ended up walking straight towards Bose Rd. Anyways I took a right today and… this and that; I got to the metro and made it back safe. I had lunch at a Sikh resturant that was really cheap, It costed me a little more than 1 US dollar for fried chicken cury, rice, a coke, and mango shake. I went out with a close friend Kiki that’s leaving in two weeks. And we got to talk about faith. It was really nice for me to finally just talk (deep) and no surface talk (“hi… my name is.. your name is… where you from… where are you working… how long are you staying… etc”). Of course knowing me, we first talked about Theology of the Body. God’s plan for human sexuality. Than we talked about the Eucharist, Foundation of the Church/Peter, Transubstansiation, Apostolic Sucession and all that good stuff. We came back to our hotel and talked a little more. I told her… go talk to Sister Corina because I obviously don’t do any justice to any sort of catheises.Well, the evening is starting and I want to make my ways over to catch adoration. Tomorrow is thursdsay and the volunteers don’t work on Thursdays, so I’ll probably make a couple phone calls to the States. Tuan
PS: Some reasons I haven’t been getting any comments on my blog and then suddenly today it showed comments on all my recent entries and it looked as if these comments have been written not long after I wrote my blog. So sorry if I didn’t get back to the comments. But just to let you know that it REALLY made my day and made me smile to see the comments and emails from everyone. It makes me feel connected to Home somehow. So thankyou for your thoughts and prayers. And just keeping in touch with me. And I’m sorry for having such a crapy blog. I’m not much for a journalist… or a writer. I pull the “English is my second language” card. Haha. God bless all. My all our work reveal God’s love!


Anonymous said...

Hi Tuan,
I ws so excited, and deeply moved, to read of your experiences in Kolkata. I can just imagine you, eyes twinking, radiant smile and embracing arms, sharing God's love with the poor and destitute of Kolkata. You are one "very good man"!
As I prepare to let go of my dear Caitlin, I am reassured that she will be in good hands, with God's guidance and your knowledge and familiarity of the area where she will be living this summer. Thank you, in advance, for taking her under your wing and affording her the oportunity to do God's work in such a humbling environment.
As I read of your experiences, I was reminded of some experiences that I had in college while visiting a state hospital for the severely handicapped. Disgusting as some chores may be, it is with God's help that we are given the strength and stamina to perform tasks that we never thought we would be able to stomach. And on top of that, we feel "blessed" to be able to do these tasks to make life more comfortable for others!
I admire you for your strength and your unselfish love and will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you continue your mission in Kolkata this summer.
Q: Why did you give your bedsheets away? I just washed and folded the sheets that Caitlin is taking to India. Does she need to take them, or not?

snowpea57 said...

Tuan, your blogs bring tears to my eyes! I am so excited to join you in two short weeks! (plus a few days...) It is so great to hear your experiences, and I have to say it is comforting to hear of your getting lost and feeling lost in what you are supposed to be doing. I know that by you telling all on here, I will know that, when I get lost or feel lost, I'm truly not the only one. Thank you for keeping us all updated! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe, and I will see you in a few weeks! Keep blogging, I love reading what you have to say!


P.S. Did you bring a laptop or are you going somewhere to blog?

Anonymous said...

Hey Tuan,

I just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers, and that I really enjoy reading your blog. It feels like I am right there in India again! One of my friends that I met down there also worked at Dayadan, she is from Indiana and might contact you via your blog, her name is Kathleen.

Have you tried a Lassi yet? if you take a right on Sudder, and then a left when you see the fire station, walk up the street about a block and a half, and you will run into two stores on your left selling lassis with ice in them. The store to the left once you have turned left is better:-)

Stay safe, get rest, and drink lots of water!

In Him, Michael G'

Tuan Nguyen said...

oh I'm getting so excited for Caitlin to come! i talked to her yesterday on the phone and ... and it only builds anxiety because I can't wait to travel around and share the joy of loving others with her. She'll have an experience of a life time. I will meet her at the airport and already talked to MD Noor Hassasn Khan (my hotel man) about living. So be reassured that all will be fine unlike my first 2 days or trying to figure out this and that. Bed sheets are fine to bring. They do have bed sheets here... they're kind of dirty. But the flat sheets you really don't use.. because it's extremely humid and hot anyways. And there are some blankets you can buy here (sari/or cool looking cloth) for about 1.50 US. Same with clothes. Do tell her to bring, stick glue.. for post mail, iching cream relief,clothes pins, maybe 1 combination lock (it's pretty safe at the hostel but it's easie rwith a combination lock if you'er giong to have one)...and if i think of anything else, I'll be sure to remind her or call. Anyways, I'm truly excited for her. And ... phone calls and internet is not a problem here in India, its fairly cheap for both (that's why Ive been blogging daily) and I call Sara often... and of course my family. It's just about time zone differences that will be the issue. Anyways... i'm going to grab some dinner. Take care Dawn. All for Jesus, through Mary.

Tuan Nguyen said...

No, i didn't bring a lap top. i just go to the internet cafe and it's about a nickel and half per hour here. It's a special place where all the local goes. IT's a whole bunch of "Indians" (if that's what you'd call them... i'm not sure if they're bangali or what but yeah) and then... me. hahah. The other internet cafes are a little more prices. I like getting in with the locals and finding my deals. It's a street away from Sudder and right around the corner from our hotel. So.... COME ON OVER TO KOLKATA! Don't worry about bringing much. I'll give you a call in about a week when caitlin comes. Honestly... you should be able to fit everything in a backpack. Which was scary for me to think of when I was packing but... you can get lots here, and you'll need to do laundry anyways. Maybe if you want bring american snacks,.... beef jerky (which i have a funny story to tell if you want ask me later), granola bars, dried fruits, whatever you like. But... it should be pretty chilled here. You'll be fine. I'll make sure of it. sure to bring sunglasses (being a girl and all... it's good to keep down the eye contact when you're not trying to make any) I'll be sure to remind caitlin. But yeah. It's going to be SO MUCH FUN!

Tuan Nguyen said...

Michael G!
I've thought about you several times throughout the trip. I've been praying for your family, especially your dad. And it's so nice to hear from you. I actually talked to Sr. Corina yesterday and sent her your blessing and love. and she said... "Oh yes yes, Michael G, round face... always smile" hahah... YUP that's him. But yes, i'll be sure to look out for someone name Kathleen. And yes, i have had a lassi; i had a strawberry one and it was ok and than I had a mango one and it was fantabulous! So yes... i love india.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard of the site where you can download free music? Check it out at