Monday, June 25, 2007

Getting the hang of things

Everything is finally coming together. I'm absolutely loving it here in Kolkata. Last night my friend Erica from Mexico City had a party because it was her last night. We were chilling out in the courtyard of my Hotel room. She made us a Mexican themed dinner and we did a lot of dancing and chatting.
It was hard for me to get up this morning because I was up late (11pm is late for me here) and didn't roll out of bed till 5:20am. Rushing through my shower I tried to have enough time to get to the Mother house for Morning mass but surely enough, I missed mass by 7 minutes. In Kolkata, at the Mother House, they lock the door once mass starts so the MC sisters don't have to wait at the door and everyone can attend. But unfortunately for people that runs late like myself... that means waiting outside the door for almost an hour.
Today, I worked at Daya Dan, a house for the orphans. I worked up stair once again... although the children up stair have mental difficulties they have such innocent expression of love. I'm so drawn to them and absolute adore working with them. When I got there I went straight to the children but on of the Masis (local pernament volunteer) needed my help with the laundry. I spent almost the whole morning till tea time doing laundry. It was hard work, not gonna lie. There were three other Masis and myself doing all 100+: bed, sheets, pillow case, clothes, dippers, and towels. And of course, we did it the old fashion way. Two deep sinks, made of concrete. One with soap water and the other for rinse. I stepped into the sinks and started stomping away to scrub out the dirt, urine, caca, and all that good stuff. Rinsing and than ringing out the water and hanging up the washed items. As I was ringing out the water... the color of the water being rung out was yellowish brown and most deffinitely had a strong smell of urine. I realize that the smell of Kolkata... it for surely is a mixture of urine odor and Caca. Being here you just got to realize while doing some task you got to breathe through your mouth, not your nose.
I got the opportunity to help feed again today. Sona, a 13 years old boy, that could not sit up on his own or keep his head up on his own. Nor can he move much besides his arms. Sona often sleeps and can't ever keep attention. When you feed him you must keep his attention and make sure he sallows because without help he can't sallow the food on his own either. Sona often throws epylipse fits while feeding and will cry at any discomfort. And yes... it was my task to make sure he ate today. When I first started feeding Sona, it was a challegne. He wouldn't lift his head off the table, his whole body was "drappy". As I was feeding him; food and food would pile up in his mouth and he wouldn't sallow and it was becoming quite the mess. Sona would start crying and the mess only got messier and the attention was drawn over towards my disablity to feed a child. I than had made up a song... "called Sona Sona". Pretty much... it just repeated his name over and over so he can stay awake. And the best trick of it all... was that with the spoon I pressed down on his tounge a little ... kind of like a gagging effect, as gross as that my sound. But it would open up his throat and he would sallow. Well after a good 30 minutes or so, Sona finally finished his dish and a sense of satisfaction came over me.
I've been only working morning shifts since i've been here. I don't know if I have the energy enough to work both mornign and evening shifts. Today I'll be going to the orientation and later in the evening alot of the volunteer and I are heading out to go Salsa dancing at a local club nearby Sudder St.
It's been great here, extermely humid but I can only imagine how it'll feel after the light rain throughout the day will stop... It'll be like a sauna! Well keep me in your prayers and please email or comment the blog. I love hearing from the States. It brings me some comfort of being connected to Home. May we be all united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. God bless.


PS.- I deffinately used the swatty-potty today ... and yup, there was no TP. It was quite the Kolkata/India experience. haha, but in reality- it's not as bad as it sounds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Tuan!

I'll write more a little later, but I wanted to say hi and let you know how beautiful and inspiring your posts are so far. The children, the men, and the sisters sound like wonderful and such loving people. Continue to pray each day (as I know you will) and know that we're all praying for you in this humble service. Salsa dancing sounds like quite the fun time...hope it went well!
God Bless!